Four Arrows is accepting Program Requests and Cottage Reservations for the Fall of 2025!

What exactly do we do?

Create moments of opportunity for individuals and groups

We strongly value the idea that challenge is a necessary component to growth and leverage that notion to develop intentional, customized, hands-on experiences for the UConn community. We provide those experiences with the following:

  • High Ropes Challenge Courses
  • Low Ropes Challenge Courses
  • Mobile Team Building Programs (we come to you!)
  • Peer-Led Facilitation
  • Off-Campus Retreat Space

Land Acknowledgement

We acknowledge that the land on which we gather is the territory of the:

Eastern Pequot (Pea-kwaht)

Golden Hill Paugussett (paw-GUS-it)

Lenape (Leh-NAH-pay)

Mashantucket Pequot (Mash-un-tuck-it Pea-kwaht)

Mohegan (Mo-he-gan)

Nipmuc and (Nip-muck)

Schaghticoke (ska-teh-COKE) peoples

who have stewarded this land throughout the generations. We thank them for their strength and resilience in protecting this land, andĀ aspire to uphold our responsibilities according to their example.